Beginning with the declaration of a State of Emergency, the Governor has enacted three Executive Orders since March 3.
On March 3, Governor Cuomo signed into law a $40 million emergency management authorization that will allow the State to hire additional staff and procure equipment and any other resources necessary to respond to the evolving situation. To date, the Governor has released three executive orders. EO 202 declared a state of emergency, suspended related laws to allow for State contracts to be expanded and awarded, and the release of additional resources in response to the outbreak. EO 202.1 suspends laws and regulations to allow for expansion of services and temporary facilities for health and human services providers; grants flexibility childcare-related laws, suspends regulations to prevent delays in providing home delivered meals through EISEP; removes the 180-day school attendance requirement; suspends laws relating to waiting periods for unemployment insurance claimants whose claims arise from the COVID-19 outbreak; and suspends laws relating to emergency procurement. EO 202.2 temporarily modifies election procedures to reduce the spread of the virus. The Governor is making day-by-day changes, and continues to call upon the Trump Administration to dictate a uniform, country-wide plan.