Our Accomplishments


The COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to all sectors, concerns, and constituencies across New York State and brought to the forefront the value of informed advocacy and strategic engagement.

Despite the doors of the Capitol being closed and the shift to policymaking through Executive Orders and online platforms, we maintained vital lines of communication with key decision makers and successfully adapted to ensure our clients were informed, engaged, and their objectives continued to advance.

  • Leveraged longstanding professional Executive Branch relationships to ensure client concerns were appropriately addressed throughout the New York State COVID State of Emergency.
  • Ensured Executive Orders and guidance facilitated client operations and provisions of critical goods and services to mitigate the COVID pandemic.
  • Provided real-time updates and interpretations of NYS’s COVID Executive Orders, emergency regulations, and reopening guidance to ensure all clients were operating safely and successfully while remaining in compliance.
  • Ensured relevant clients had up to the minute access to all NYS Department of Health Advisories, Directives and Policies addressing COVID-19 and provided clarification and interpretation to clients.
  • Worked directly with the Department of Health assisting in vaccine roll-out to long-term care provider clients.
  • Successfully guided clients through New York’s reopening process, including formulating newly mandated workplace health and safety protection plans.
  • Successfully advocated on behalf of clients with the Department of Health to ensure re-opening guidance were timely and appropriate.
  • Provided critical testimony at legislative hearings to address the impact of COVID-19 on the long-term care sector throughout the pandemic.



  • Led a multi-pronged strategy on behalf of a global company involving executive and legislative advocacy, grassroots lobbying, coalition building, and public relations. Successfully achieved enactment of a law to create a new long -term care licensure category in the State of New York.
  • Successfully eliminated a proposed new tax on direct broadcast satellite services.
  • Consulted with clients to establish a new statewide trade association. Provided representation and management services that led to its growth as a major statewide presence.
  • Secured stakeholder, advocate, and legislative passage of policies to expand access and remove barriers to medical treatments.
  • Established a firm expertise in State licensure and certification consulting services.
  • Successfully represented client’ s interests to propose, introduce, and gain the enactment of legislation to modify a costly mandate.
  • Combined our policy expertise and our client’s business know-how to shape State agency guidance and regulations that directly affected the client’s core business.
  • Successfully consulted multiple clients through New York State’s RFP process resulting in contract fulfillment.
  • Secured numerous client appointments to State panels, advisory task forces, commissions, committees, and boards, enabling clients to offer their expert advice and participate directly in the formulation of State policy.



  • Established the premiere adult care facility and assisted living licensure and certification consultation specialty with an unparalleled track record.
  • Worked with clients to provide in-depth analysis, best practices, and industry expertise to improve State licensure submission and review processes.
  • Advised and provided expertise and support to clients navigating the State’s Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise certification process.



  • Secured considerable new funding for a successful tax credit program in collaboration with an industry coalition.
  • Garnered multi- year funding and legislative support for a highly successful academic and workforce development program.
  • Secured new workforce and technology funding for a previously unfunded segment of the health care sector.
  • Researched and secured State technology grant funding to enhance client workforce productivity and efficiency.
  • Attained significant levels of scarce capital funding for a major cultural institution.